Instructions for authorization/registration on the B2B portal in Kazakhstan
  1. For registered partners:
    • Go to the authorization site
    • On the authorization page, on the website , you must enter your login and password, and click the “Sign In” button
    • If you have forgotten your password, you must click on the link 'Restore password'


  1. After clicking on the link “Recover password”, you will be redirected to the password recovery page:



    In the “E-mail” field, you must enter the email address that was previously specified during registration, and click the “Send confirmation letter” button. After successful sending, a letter will be sent to your email with instructions on how to recover your password.



  2. For unregistered partners:

    2.1. On the authorization page, you must click on the link “Registration”.



    2.2. After clicking on the link, you will be redirected to the registration page, where you must fill in all the required fields indicated*.



    2.3. After filling in all the fields and passing the captcha, you must click the “Register” button



    2.4. Next, you must go to the e-mail specified during registration, a letter will be sent to this e-mail containing a notification of registration, and a link to confirm the correctness of the entered email address, and to complete the registration procedure. You must follow this link to confirm your e-mail.


    2.5. After the responsible manager has checked the information you provided, you will be notified by the following letter about successful registration on the portal, or refusal to register, indicating the reason.


    2.6. If your company is not in our CRM, a manager will contact you (via the e-mail specified during registration) to request the necessary company details. These data will be used for further processing and interaction with you at all stages of cooperation.


    2.7. If you have any difficulties with registration on the B2B portal, you can always ask for help from your personal manager or by email


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